預警? 澳洲聖母瑪利亞的嘴唇竟然在動

2015年07月26日 8:41     評論»

來源: nownews

一位天主教信徒阿凱利(George Akary)於上周日(19日)在臉書上貼出一則影片,指稱他看見奇蹟似的畫面,牆上聖母瑪利亞畫像的嘴唇竟然在動!



Virgin Mary lips movement videoSomething I have seen a few times, this time I recorded it.. see the mouths on them. At st charbels church in punchbowl , sydney 19 th july during service.. To clarify for the viewers… i saw this during mass and at the end of mass the rosary is prayed. I went to the altar and wanted to confirm via recording it… lights are not relevant and there flickering etc as i have seen this occur under various lighting and have considered those possibilities. It is what it is… I also did notice whilst the people were praying the lips sped up or slowed down to the prayer been said ….God bless you all .

Posted by George Akary on Sunday, July 19, 2015

關鍵詞: 畫像超自然

